ALLAH awards me with so much blessings ; there are no words to describe HIS GIFTS to me. Every second of my life, every beat of my heart, from the day I was born till now ; I have been blessed. I read Surah ArRahman many times; and feel blessed even more. I want Islam to be the only way of life for me; there is no other Creator than ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY; Muhammad (PBUH) is my Prophet; ALQuran as my guide. YET, HAVE I DONE ENOUGH TO SHOW MY GRATITUDE TO ALLAH ALMIGHTY FOR ALL HIS BLESSINGS?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

EDU 401

EDU 401 is a paper I am teaching to my Cohort 5 B.Ed TESL students. They are link students; a twinning program between UiTM (Faculty of Education) with BPG ( two institutes are invloved ; Kota Bharu and Gaya). The students are very close to me as I also taught them last semester, An introduction to Guidance and Counseling. At first, they were very sceptical and very worried to take the paper. Alhamdulillah, they end up liking the course and loving (?) me as well. Each one of us, teachers, teachers to be , should learn a bit of counseling skills. Every relationship is coloured by the way we communicate and definitely, counseling helps us to understand ourselves better and therefore, enables us to understand others much better. Yesterday, during my class with this group, I shared with you all , my feelings and my thoughts. Please dont get me wrong. Although its a different course this semester, I still would like to instill good values and more counseling skills to all of you so that you become better teachers in the future. To become good teachers, we must know what is needed as good teachers? What makes a teacher a good one? Friends and readers of my blog, I welcome your response on this issue. Whatsoever we are called, teacher, cikgu, Puan/Tuan pensyarah, lao tse; we are in the same boat. Our mission is to impart knowledge and skills, inculcating good values to our students. And as Muslims, we also have another distinctive mission; that is to be a role model as good Muslims to our students. I wish all my students : may you have a fruitful journey as an educator ( as a teacher)
Nota : Pagi Jumaat yang begitu mulia ini, marilah kita berdoa moga-moga ALLAH melimpahkan kasih sayang dan rahmatNYA yang melimpah-melimpah kepada kita (semua pembaca blog ini), semua saudara-saudara kita; dimana pun mereka berada ( termasuklah di Gaza). Hujan begitu lebat pagi ini, mudah-mudahan membawa keberkakatan ALLAH kepada kita semua.

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