ALLAH awards me with so much blessings ; there are no words to describe HIS GIFTS to me. Every second of my life, every beat of my heart, from the day I was born till now ; I have been blessed. I read Surah ArRahman many times; and feel blessed even more. I want Islam to be the only way of life for me; there is no other Creator than ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY; Muhammad (PBUH) is my Prophet; ALQuran as my guide. YET, HAVE I DONE ENOUGH TO SHOW MY GRATITUDE TO ALLAH ALMIGHTY FOR ALL HIS BLESSINGS?

Monday, May 18, 2009

An Educational trip to SMK(P) Likas

This morning, another group project from KPLI Bimbingan & Kaunseling trainees. They organized a trip to SMK (P) Likas to learn how guidance and counseling is being implemented at a secondary school. I suggested the school as the school counsellor, Puan Anangka is a very experienced counselor and the UBK room has been a showcase room since a few years back.
My sincerest appreciation to Puan Hetty (the Principal) and Puan Anang who made our visit interesting and educational . Congrats to Fatmawaty, Sariwaty, Norhayati and Chong for a job well-done.


SMK Pengiran Omar II said...

^_^ SMP Likas was my highschool =p I carried a interview with her (together with Hidayah and Ashley) for the assesment of EDU 430 (Intro. To Guidance&Counseling) last semester =)

zaidah said...

Yep, I remember .