ALLAH awards me with so much blessings ; there are no words to describe HIS GIFTS to me. Every second of my life, every beat of my heart, from the day I was born till now ; I have been blessed. I read Surah ArRahman many times; and feel blessed even more. I want Islam to be the only way of life for me; there is no other Creator than ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY; Muhammad (PBUH) is my Prophet; ALQuran as my guide. YET, HAVE I DONE ENOUGH TO SHOW MY GRATITUDE TO ALLAH ALMIGHTY FOR ALL HIS BLESSINGS?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

My wonderful room mate

A Malacca born , Ross Azura is now lecturing in UNIMAS Sarawak. I had a pleasant encounter with this bright, intelligent and soft-spoken girl. What is more interesting, this high achiever is not a snob at all, very down to earth person. Hopefully we can work together on our cases.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

alahai.. sape la ross azura ni ye?