This morning, another group project from KPLI Bimbingan & Kaunseling trainees. They organized a trip to SMK (P) Likas to learn how guidance and counseling is being implemented at a secondary school. I suggested the school as the school counsellor, Puan Anangka is a very experienced counselor and the UBK room has been a showcase room since a few years back.
My sincerest appreciation to Puan Hetty (the Principal) and Puan Anang who made our visit interesting and educational . Congrats to Fatmawaty, Sariwaty, Norhayati and Chong for a job well-done.
^_^ SMP Likas was my highschool =p I carried a interview with her (together with Hidayah and Ashley) for the assesment of EDU 430 (Intro. To Guidance&Counseling) last semester =)
Yep, I remember .
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