ALLAH awards me with so much blessings ; there are no words to describe HIS GIFTS to me. Every second of my life, every beat of my heart, from the day I was born till now ; I have been blessed. I read Surah ArRahman many times; and feel blessed even more. I want Islam to be the only way of life for me; there is no other Creator than ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY; Muhammad (PBUH) is my Prophet; ALQuran as my guide. YET, HAVE I DONE ENOUGH TO SHOW MY GRATITUDE TO ALLAH ALMIGHTY FOR ALL HIS BLESSINGS?

Monday, March 30, 2009


On the way to Penyabong, via Segamat, we dropped by to see an old friend, Kak Min. She's the principle of SMKA Muadzam Shah. It was very nice of her to prepare lunch for us. it is the first time i ate fried ikan sungai. Hmm...very nice.


Roza said...

Assalamualaikum Zaidah,

Dah lalu Segamat, kenapa tak singgah?
UiTM Segamat, Johor cuma 15 minit sahaja dari bandar segamat. Sejam perjalanan dari Bandar Muadzam.

zaidah said...

Waalaikumsalam Roza,
Kami singgah dan sempat solat dhuha di Masjid Assyakirin. Tapi, segan nak pergi rumah Pengarah sebab kami pakai sempoi je...