ALLAH awards me with so much blessings ; there are no words to describe HIS GIFTS to me. Every second of my life, every beat of my heart, from the day I was born till now ; I have been blessed. I read Surah ArRahman many times; and feel blessed even more. I want Islam to be the only way of life for me; there is no other Creator than ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY; Muhammad (PBUH) is my Prophet; ALQuran as my guide. YET, HAVE I DONE ENOUGH TO SHOW MY GRATITUDE TO ALLAH ALMIGHTY FOR ALL HIS BLESSINGS?

Monday, July 7, 2008

EDU 430

To my B.Ed TESL Cohort 5 students, please read the course information carefully so that you will be able to do well in this paper.

I wish you all the best and hope you enjoy being in my class.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

salam perkenalan

Would like to invite my present trainees and former students to blog in.
This is on a trial and error basis, just starting to learn blogging. Gladly appreciate comments and suggestions to improvise this blog.

This is a bilingual blog, meaning you are welcomed to use both Bahasa Malaysia and english.
